How Acupuncture and Yoga Helps Addiction
Acupuncture and Yoga Can Help Addictions in many ways. A lot of people go through a period in their life where they are addicted to drugs or alcohol. It can be difficult for these individuals to get past the cravings and stay sober. But some things can help, like yoga and acupuncture.
These practices may not seem related, but they both affect your body’s endorphins, making it easier to resist temptation when you’re trying to stay clean from substances. Yoga and acupuncture can also help you to get off of prescription drugs which may have been a crutch that allowed you to stay addicted.
The alternative therapies can be used as part of treatment for addiction and a preventative measure to keep people from getting started on substances in the first place. Here’s everything you need to know about these alternative therapies for addictions.
What causes addiction? How does Yoga help addiction?
The addictive nature of drugs and alcohol is something that has been studied for a long time. There are many theories on why it happens, but one of the most popular comes from research done in the 1980s.
According to this theory, our brains have an internal reward system that’s designed to make sure we keep doing things that are important to our survival. For instance, if you eat lots of food, that means you’re going to be able to survive and have children, so your brain makes sure that you continue eating.
You also have this reward system in place for looking at beautiful people, having sex with a loved one, and using drugs. This is why it’s so hard to stop doing these things because your brain gets an unnatural high from them. It makes you feel good and ignoring the fact that they put you at risk of death or other serious health conditions.
Signs of Addiction
Alcoholism or drug abuse can be difficult to spot. Many people who have a problem with substance abuse don’t realize that they do. It’s important to pay attention to signs that your loved one is struggling with addiction because while they may not realize it themselves, there are some signs you should watch out for:
– Spending a lot of time with different people that you don’t know well
– Getting into trouble because of their drug use or drinking
– Continuing to use even in risky situations, like driving while drunk or high
– Not being able to remember things that happened while they were using drugs or alcohol.
The goal is to look for patterns in how your loved one is behaving. If you notice more than a few of these signs, then there’s a chance that they could be struggling with addiction.
Acupuncture as a treatment
Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice that has been used for centuries to treat various medical conditions. It is based on the idea that there are certain energy pathways in our bodies and that inserting thin needles into these points can restore balance.
There have been plenty of studies done to test whether or not this is actually true, but many have found positive results with acupuncture. In addition, acupuncture has been known to help with addiction in some cases, and it can be a good alternative therapy to replace potentially addictive drugs.
Yoga helps addictions
Yoga is also a form of exercise that can help relieve pain and improve overall physical wellbeing. Yoga is similar to acupuncture in that it aims to balance energy flow through the body using poses and other physical activities.
Yoga can also be used as a mindfulness exercise. This means that you’re focusing on your own breathing and staying aware of your thoughts and emotions without judgment. You can use this technique at any moment, even if you’re struggling with an addiction.
The benefits of acupuncture and yoga treatments
Acupuncture and yoga can help send signals to your brain that are similar to those provided by addictive substances. This means that having these alternative treatments can make it easier for you to deal with cravings and resist using, which will be helpful if you’re trying to get clean from alcohol or drugs.
As well as helping you feel less of a need to use, yoga and alternative medicine treatments can help improve your overall state of mind. This isn’t just a mental effect, though that is certainly important for recovery. Your mental health impacts physical health as well, so if you feel happier and calmer, you’ll reduce the chance of triggering cravings that cause you to use again.
Additionally, alternative therapies can help to protect you from impulsive decisions. It’s common for recovering addicts to make risky, dangerous choices that put them at risk of using again. But alternative treatments will work to reduce this behavior by keeping your mind clear and giving you a sense of calmness.
Explore treatments
If you’re struggling with addiction, alternative therapies can be a great resource for getting help. For example, acupuncture and yoga are both forms of alternative medicine that can work to provide you with relief from your cravings and reduce the risk that you’ll make an impulsive decision to use again.
If you’d like to try alternative therapies, consider booking an appointment with our trained specialized at Sober on Demand. We pair the holistic treatments with talk therapy, supplements and more to help you get the results you need. You’ll be able to benefit from the relaxing and therapeutic powers of alternative medicine treatments without becoming overly reliant on a potentially addictive substance.