Concierge Medical Detox in the privacy of your home, office or hotel.
Often referred to as “Medical Detox” for substance use disorders – We provide a concierge detox, mobile detox, home detox, or even holistic detox in the comfort of your home, office, hotel, or any mobile location. Our Licensed Doctors and Nurses oversee all facets of your medical detox to make you comforable and reduce symptoms
Our clients come to us from many areas and with many unique circumstances, but in more cases than not, the client is in need of a brief medical detox process prior to actually addressing the overall lifestyle and underlying patterns of drug, alcohol, or process addictions. In short, the detox process is that initial period (usually 4 to 6 days) that uses various medical therapies to assist the patient through the initial acute withdrawal process which, might otherwise be horrendously uncomfortable, and in some cases may even pose potentially fatal consequences if done incorrectly.
From heroin and opiate-opioid painkiller addictions to daily alcohol abuse or even benzodiazepine addictions to mainstream drugs like Xanax or Valium, the medical detox process is in many cases an absolute must! We offer on-site mobile detox and medical detox options for people wanting to get off drugs, give their body some relief, and feel better.
How does drug addiction affect the brain? It depends on your drug of choice. If you use opiates like heroin, oxycontin, and hydrocodone for example it depletes your dopamine in your brain and destroys your neurotransmitters. Drugs like cocaine, speed, and methamphetamine increase the production of dopamine and then deplete it as well. You must detox and then start to heal your brain from all the damage otherwise you will continue to use drugs and alcohol. We have a full line of neurotransmitters and The Brain Recovery Method that will assist you post-detox in healing your brain.
ALL credentialed medically assisted detox services are provided in the comfort of your home or hotel. Many credentialed clinicians and support teams are dispatched out of Miami, FL, Manhattan, NY, Los Angeles, CA, Denver, CO, Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX, Austin, TX and Philadelphia, PA. ALL services can be combined with our mobile, concierge & express alternative to drug & alcohol treatment, as well as our array of recovery coaching and sober companion services.
Detox symptoms can vary depending on what drugs and alcohol have been introduced into your system. There are Acute and Post-Acute withdrawal symptoms that you can experience, depending on which drugs and alcohol you prefer to use and how much you have consumed. Acute withdrawal is intense, lasts 3-7 days, and can be life-threatening if not detoxed properly by the correct medical professionals. Post-acute withdrawal is after the acute symptoms have passed and more latent, longer lasting but less intense symptoms are present.
Some Acute and Post-Acute Withdrawal symptoms are listed below, and our medical detox team at Sober on Demand can address all of these on-site at your home, hotel, or other private location:
After a medical detox from drugs and alcohol, it is imperative to address the underlying cause of the issues resulting in the use of drugs and alcohol. At Sober on Demand, we address the whole person and treat the root cause of the problem. We offer many wrap around services and continuation of services as listed below:
Please note we DO offer mobile detox without Sober on Demand and/or Sober Companion services.
It depends on your drug of choice. If you use opiates like heroin, oxycontin, and hydrocodone for example it depletes the dopamine in your brain and destroys your neurotransmitters. Drugs like cocaine, speed, and methamphetamine increase the production of dopamine and then deplete it as well. You must detox and then start to heal your brain from all the damage otherwise you will continue to use drugs and alcohol.
What are the symptoms of detoxing?
Detox symptoms can vary depending on what drugs and alcohol have been introduced into your system. There are Acute and Post Acute withdrawal symptoms that you can experience, depending on which drugs and alcohol and how much you have consumed. Acute withdrawal is intense, lasts 3-7 days, and can be life-threatening if not detoxed properly by the correct medical professionals. Post-acute withdrawal occurs after the acute symptoms have passed and more latent, longer-lasting but less intense symptoms are present.
What are addiction cravings?
Cravings are desires for a specific thing, they are both chemical and emotional. This means if you are craving heroin, you are looking for a dopamine rush to the brain chemically or physically, but emotionally you may want to escape the situation you are in at the moment. It is important to deal with both emotional and physical cravings and also the neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain by using ProrecoveryRx.
Can I detox at home?
Yes. Private medical detox is available at home for drugs and alcohol, food addiction, and more. At Sober on Demand, a medical team will join you at your home, hotel, or place of work to help you detox from drugs, alcohol, sugar, and other substances that are plaguing your system. Vitamins, supplements, and more are key after a medical detox to restore your body balance and neurotransmitter brain balance.
2046 Treasure Coast Pkwy
Unit A, #207 Vero Beach FL 32960
2024 Sober On Demand | All rights reserved.