5 Ways Exercise Can Help People in Addiction Recovery


5 Ways Exercise Can Help People in Addiction Recovery

Exercise can significantly help people who are living in recovery stay sober. Research shows that regular exercise reduces substance use.

A recent analysis of studies involving exercise and substance use disorder determined that, of the studies they reviewed, 75% of them showed that physical exercise led to a decrease in substance use.  

Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous weightlifting. Any form of physical activity can help you to stay sober, especially if you make it a part of your daily habits. Here are five ways that exercising can help your recovery.


1. It Helps You To Develop a Routine and Structure

Routine and structure are paramount in recovery. Developing a practice of any kind is going to help you stay sober. When you use exercise as part of your routine, it helps greatly. 

Sometimes, getting into a habit after living without one for so long is hard. But adding exercise to your day is a great way to create a fun routine, and you may even look forward to it. Exercising feels good. So why wouldn’t you want to look forward to something healthy that also feels good?

2. Can Ease Withdrawal Symptoms in addiction recovery

Exercise can help withdrawal symptoms become more manageable. It won’t be possible in the early hours or days of detox as you will probably need rest. But, after the initial detox, symptoms ease up to where you can get out of bed and move around. At that point, you can exercise; even just taking a walk can help ease some of the discomfort of alcohol or drug withdrawal.

3. Can Fight off Cravings in your addiction recovery plan

Cravings are one of the worst parts of early recovery. Sometimes, they can get really intense. With regular exercise, you can help to fight those cravings off. When you exercise, your body gets stronger and has more energy. Also, your brain is more focused on the workout you are doing than thinking about a drink or using.

When a craving does hit, take off on a brisk walk outdoors or do some weightlifting. The urge will probably stop once you start sweating.

4. Relieves Stress

Exercise can help to reduce stress. Stress can be a significant trigger for people in recovery. Exercising is a great way to get the endorphins flowing that make you feel good and reduce stress levels. When you do yoga or play a friendly game of basketball at the gym, you will soon notice that you feel calmer than when you are stressed. Not to mention the mood boost you can get from regular exercise.

5. It Can Lead to Better Sleep

Part of a successful recovery is getting adequate sleep each night, as sleep is a vital body restoration function. When you exercise, you tend to get better sleep. When you break a sweat, especially if you do vigorous movement, your body will want to sleep more, so you will fall asleep faster. It may lead to your circadian clock becoming more balanced, which helps you get a good night’s sleep.

Sober on Demand Can Help You Maintain Sobriety

Adding physical activity to your life can help you stay clean and sober. If you are still finding it difficult and want additional support, you should get a sober coach or companion. At Sober on Demand, we have sober coaches and sober companions who can help you maintain your recovery. Whether you need long-term support, live-in help, or just someone to reach out to once a week, we’ve got you covered. Reach out today to Sober on Demand.

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