4 Reasons You Are Binge Eating
Are you binge eating? Millions of people struggle with binge eating. But you may be wondering why you are overeating in the first place. There are many reasons why people binge eat, and everyone will have different causes or triggers for consuming too much food.
This article is going to explore four of the more common reasons why people tend to binge eat.
1. Stress and binge eating
You may be overeating because of stress. When you go through something stressful, a stress hormone is released. This stress hormone, cortisol, may cause people to eat more.
After you become stressed, your body needs energy to compensate for the loss, so your body will crave food. When you go for junk food, it can make matters even worse. Consuming processed foods leads to more stress and weight gain.
So, if eating foods when you’re stressed is a way to cope, try some healthier stress-reducing techniques. For example, you can try various breathing methods or meditation to help you calm down when you feel overwhelmed.
2. Depression or Anxiety and binge eating
When you have depression or anxiety, you may have some changes to your diet. Some people may eat less when they have these conditions. However, many people tend to eat more.
If you eat when you are sad or anxious, you may be binging to cope with these emotions.
There are healthier ways to handle feelings of anxiety or depression. For example, you could try to exercise or listen to music when you start to feel upset.
3. Your Environment/ Genetics play a role in binge eating
If you grew up in an environment where people ate a great deal of food, then that could be why you’re binge eating. When you were little, you watched your parents or a parent overeat so you could have learned the behavior.
Another possible cause is it could be in your genetics. A genetic relationship between eating disorders and binge eating could be in your family history.
There’s help for people who binge eat, however. You can get a sugar or food addiction coach to help curb your overeating habits. With a coach, you can learn new, healthier eating habits.
4. Self-Esteem Issues
Self-esteem issues could be causing you to overeat. Some studies report that people who suffer from self-esteem issues tend to binge eat more than others.
How you feel about your body can certainly affect how much or how little you eat.
Low self-esteem can lead to strict dietary changes, resulting in binge eating. For example, suppose you are on a strict diet to lose weight that is not allowing you to eat as often as you should. Then when you finally do get a chance to eat, you can go overboard because you are so starved for food.
To begin to work on any self-esteem issues you may have, you can write down any limiting beliefs about yourself and your body. Then, give yourself some compassion and change these limiting beliefs to develop a more positive self-image.
Stop Binge Eating With a Food Addiction Coach
Binge eating could be a symptom of a food addiction. Binge eating could also be a precursor to a food addiction. Either way, getting help before you have any added health issues arising from overeating, especially junk food, is a good idea.
A food addiction coach can help you figure out the reasons why you are overeating and help you find a healthier diet. A coach can educate you on the negative consequences of consuming processed foods and offer you an alternative nutritious diet instead. Reach out to Sober on Demand and get help with binge eating today.